This is my Tour Guide. His name is Leo. See my friend Danelle did not want me to get lost in Uganda, so she found me someone who is from there to give me directions in case I need them. And well, considering we all know how good I am with directions, I think he'll get some good use!
This is Danelle. And a balloon. She took me Value-Villaging and we found some great deals on clothes for Africa! Then she came over and we did a "practice pack" because I knew that there would be way too many things I would want to take with me! See, my checked bag can only weigh 51 lbs! Which is definitely not much for 7 months of living in Africa! But it is the beginning of the letting go and relying on God for everything Process! I am so thankful for my amazing friends who are walking me through this process and helping me prepare! I could definitely not do this all on my own!" And I find myself blessed beyond my own understanding.." with friends who love me like Jesus does!
yay for tour guides like Leo!!! i know you will have some amazing stories to tell when you get back!!!
love ya, "Shrek"
I can't wait for coffee. I love you to pluto and back.... wait I love you to Uganda and back!!! that's more like it :)
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