well, it's January! I still can't believe it!! At this time in 25 days, I will be sitting in my seat on the plane at Sea-Tac! I was trying to think of what lasts 25 or even 24 days, and I can't really think of anything good. The Bible has a lot of 40's (the flood, wandering in the desert(which was in years..), Jesus' fast & tempting), Survivor is 39 days... so I suppose I could say: In less time than it takes to win a million dollars, I will be going to Africa! YAHOO!
So for those who are confused, or a little fuzzy on the details, let me refresh you! I fly out of Seattle on January 28th!( Which is, unfortunately, a Monday night. Oh well, but I know that as I am taking off there are people worshipping Jesus. Well, actually they will probably be playing Ultimate, but that can be worship too! ) I will be flying to Uganda to participate in a DTS (Discipleship Training School) with YWAM (Youth With A Mission) Hopeland (the name of the base). My DTS is a 5 month program. The first half is called Lecture Phase where we will have different speakers come from all over and teach us about things like hearing the voice of God, Intercession, The Holy Spirit, the Father Heart of God, etc. Then the second half called Outreach Phase is kind of like a giant mission trip for lack of a better phrase. We will be putting into practical application all the things we have been learning. This will have us traveling either to different parts of Uganda as well as perhaps Tanzania (a neighboring African country).
After DTS is over, June 29th, I will be staying in Uganda for another two months working with a lady named named Teresha Clark, working with a ministry of YWAM called Spring Of Hope. This ministry helps disabled children by educating their families and communities on how to care for them, as well as giving them a Biblical worldview of disabled children, reminding them that these children are precious in His sight, and He has a plan for their lives just as much as anyone else's (Jeremiah 29:11).
So for those of you keeping score at home, as my ticket stands, I will be flying out of Uganda Augst 27th and arriving back in Whatcom County August 28th!
YAHOOO! I can't wait!!
Hey you beautiful coconut! i don't think i spelled that right, but that's okay! :)
i am so excited for the adventures we will have...across the world from each other!!! may God dive you increasing wisdom and srtength as you prusue His will! love you lots!
love you forever, Caris, Shrek, Twin 1, your buddy, that crazy Greek girl, Carissa Lynn Diacogiannis, your sister in Jesus, faithful friend, the one who's not hard to please ;), and any other creative way of saying me!
so happy you are taking this adventure with Jesus!!! yea, i am so excited for you! i love you to the moon and back fiona! -donkey, lou lou, linds, lindsey, Twin 2...
I am counting down days with you, I also thought I should let you know that i too have my own blog (besides our group one!) here it is :
Love ya lots
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