Friday, October 30, 2009

Friday, July 17, 2009
Sunday, July 5, 2009
we now interrupt your regularly scheduled programing...
"The Children at Risk school (CRS) is for those who want to work with or on behalf of at-risk children around the world. CRS is a nine month study track (3 month lecture phase, 6 month field assignment) teaching specific skills needed for working with orphans, the disabled, refugees and street children amongst others. The goal of the school is to multiply leaders who will champion the cause of children through social, political, judicial and spiritual intervention. Students experience God’s heart for justice, defending the cause of the fatherless, rescuing the poor, the weak and the oppressed."
Saturday, July 4, 2009
the Eagle inside belongs to us....
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
and how amazing is this gracious God who allows me to think like this. And gently guides me to the Truth.
And I spent the afternoon on an adventure with my lovely amazing Lisa.
I'd say that sounds like the beginning of Redemption, don't you?!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
She likes purple..
Sunday, April 26, 2009
there is no one like You
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
1. from January 2008 to January 2009 I hung out in 8 airports, most of them multiple times: Sea-Tac, Heathrow, Entebbe, Mombassa, Nairobi, Abbotsford, Calgary, Saskatoon.
2. I've never broken a bone, had a cavity, or been stung by a bee... but I've had jaw surgery, malaria, two varieties of parasites, infected mosquito bites, and been a patient in an African hospital.
3. I collect Moose. Meese. Meesen. whatever you want to say.
4. my closest friends live in: the US(WA,OR, OH), Canada (SK), Argentina, Jordan, India, Uganda & South Africa.
5. I LOVE books. and reading them. Bookstores are my "happy" place.
6. I saw Lord of the Rings: the Two Towers 5 times in theaters.
7. my 3 favorite musicals are: Les Miserables, Holiday Inn, and The King & I.
8. in high school I was in Show Choir which involved wearing a ridiculous outfit (tuxedo shorts (yes, SHORTS), black nylons, tuxedo shirts, a SEQUINED vest and a sequined bow tie!) and dancing around to oldies music. Sometimes fun. other times pure torture.
9. I am the WORST decision maker. EVER.
10. I've worked in Children's Ministry for 6 years now.. and have done a million crazy things to teach kids about Jesus. And LOVED it all.
11. I'm mildly lactose intolerant. No milk for me! But pretty much everything else is ok in moderation.
12. i HATE whipped cream.
13. one of my biggest pet peeves are misplaced apostrophes.
14. I think Bush Boy is right, the best job ever would be Professional World Traveller.
15. I've seen at least 50 bands in concert, some multiple times.
16. i know two different songs that say all the books of the Bible.
17. I've had 3 cars so far and none of them were made in my lifetime.
18. When I was little I had a pretend older brother who lived under my bed. Too bad he was a real person: Kurt Browning. He's a Canadian figure skater.
19. Fredrick is my 3 foot tall paper mache horse. He lives in my living room. I found him on the side of the road. He also lived at Stephanie's house for a time while I was in Uganda.
20. I am terrified of going fast by myself. Por Ejemplo: skiing, freeway driving, tobogganing down large hills, tubing, etc.
21. Whilst playing games i have a really hard time being mean i.e. "competitive" as some would call it. Combine that with #9 and you'll see why RISK is the worst game ever for me to play. Just ask someone who has been unfortunate enough to have played with me!!
22. I am afraid of the giant lobsters that they decorate Cost Cutter/ Food Pavilion with during Lobster Mania.
23. When I was 6 or 7 I won a bike from a contest at McDonald's. But it was a boy bike. So I traded it in for a pretty princess girl bike. Oh yeah!
24. JRR Tolkien was the best fiction writer who ever lived. Full Stop.
25. I've eaten goat. and LOVED it.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Taking the Initiative Against Drudgery
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Monday, February 2, 2009
You'll Come...
Chains be broken
Lives be healed
Eyes be opened
Christ is revealed
I have decided I have resolved
To wait upon you Lord
My rock and redeemer
Shield and reward
I'll wait upon You Lord
As surely as the sun will rise
You'll come to us
As certain as the dawn appears
You'll come let your glory fall
As you respond to us
Spirit rain
flood into our thirsty hearts again
You'll come, You'll come.
We are not shaken, we are not moved
We wait upon You Lord
Our Mighty deliverer
Our triumph and truth
We wait upon You Lord
surely as the sun will rise
You'll come to us
As certain as Your word endures
You'll come let your glory fall
As you respond to us
Spirit rain
flood into our thirsty hearts again
You'll come, You'll come.
Chains be broken
Lives be healed
Eyes be opened
Christ is revealed
- Hillsong United (Brooke Fraser) "You'll Come"
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Omnivores for Mediocrity...
the funny thing is that every adult I have mentioned that to has responded in the following way "Are you quitting your job?!"
but to me, my job is not really a plan... it just is. And i am so thankful for it. I love it. And call me crazy, but I really don't believe that I am alive today just so that a company in Bellingham could have another receptionist. I don't believe that this is "what I was created for!" It is in a small part, but I dream of bigger things!
I believe that six months ago. I lived, because God still has work for me to accomplish.
Just because I don't have a specific word on what it is yet, doesn't make it void.
I believe that Christians in general dream too small.
I believe that North Americans dream too small.
A thought came to my mind this week: If FEAR was completely gone from my life, how would I live? what would I do? what would my dreams look like then?"
I believe that God has a plan.
a bigger one than I could imagine.
And if I just trust my Heavenly Father, instead of esoterically trying to pinpoint just how I can claim His promises, but rather TRUST based on how I KNOW Him, then GOOD things will come. Healing. LIfe. Growth. Explosion. Blooming. It will happen.
I don't want apathy to win.
I don't want to live a life of mediocrity.
It will take courage.
which I am still trying to find.
but slowly by slowly, it comes.