
Monday, February 4, 2008

it begins!

ok. so this will be fast. I literally have 2 minutes of battery left. Things here are fabulous. God is SO Good. We started our DTS today.. there are like 40 people all arriving in the last 36 hours. In that same amount of time our dorm has gone from 5 to 17! Crazy! ok.. got to run! Pray for Kenya! Blessings!


Step-Mama to 4 said...

I'm So excited for your's gonna be amazing!!! Love ya

Sara Sue said...

Kati's two-minute ticker reports are a lot more interesting than KING 5 news even...
Hope your new roomies settle in with you & with each other well; hope your DTS is ful of laughter, inspiration and awe, and hope the heat lets up a little.
Long distance hugs from Mom!