
Friday, April 9, 2010

Remembering the Rescue... through worship

I like to remember. well, the good things. golden memories dance around my head. Pictures float through my consciousness often. And if they didn’t, I just open up the photos on my computer and walk through memory lane again. Other memories are so vivid it is as though they just happened moments ago. I get flash backs. I’ll be going through my day, and then something sparks and instantly I am once again walking through a jungle of banana forests. It’s so real, so intense I can feel the sunshine streaming through the canopy of leaves above me. but it lasts only a split second. and then, here I am, still in Whatcom County. Usually sitting at a desk in front of a computer.

One of my good friends from my days in Uganda who I spent most of my time with, is often surprised at my memory. I’ll say, “remember when.......” and he’ll laugh and reply, “how do you remember that?!” I just shrug and smile.

It’s amazing how great it is to remember where we’ve been and how far we’ve come. Nearly two years ago, I walked through the hardest and most painful time of my life. I was shattered. and devastated. my heart felt as though it had been dipped in liquid nitrogen and thrown on the floor- smashed into a thousand pieces. I was bleeding and oozing emotionally. I was awash in a sea of icy-cold fear and choking depression. I would have kept God at arms-length holding Him responsible for my current circumstances, except that He felt millions of miles away already. the Bible felt irrelevant. I was indifferent towards sermons. honestly the only thing that really kept me coming back to church were our times of worship. The time of singing somehow opened the door to my soul, and only then for those 15 or 20 minutes did I feel safe and sure that God really was who He said He was. And that He’d actually redeem the deep sorrow of my soul.

a few more moths of misery dragged by and in January ‘08 I was given the opportunity to visit some of my best friends. Incredible people who knew the deep pain I was wrestling with and a couple of whom carried the same pain themselves. Oh the joy and relief of being with people who understood! It simply cannot be put into words. At that point, I was still deeply impacted by the trauma. I wasn’t able to sleep through the night for nearly a year. I would wake up with horrible nightmares, and flashbacks so real they sent adrenaline coursing through my veins. I have a very vivid memory of a horrendous sleepless night while visiting my friends last year. when I walked into the room just a couple weeks ago, it was just as fresh as if it happened the day before. That doesn’t sound like something great to remember, but hang with me, because it gets so much better. While I was there a year ago, barely surviving emotionally, I was surrounded by deep and tender love which again reminded me of the goodness of God, that is always. Again, I had some incredible times of worship, where God was somehow once again near. That room where I get to stay, has a chalkboard wall. And on it I wrote the verse that God spoke to me, in faith. It wasn’t true for me anymore. But I needed to believe that it could be.

It is still there. And seeing it again, a year later was an incredible reminder of just how far my heart had come. Over this last year, it’s been a long, slow road to healing. but it has come. It’s been a long journey, out of a valley so deep that the sky was rarely visible. It was a pitch black winding road through icy dampness. but it has lead slowly and steadily upwards. And as I keep walking the road, I find myself out in the open meadows. The sun is bright and warm, the air fresh and warm and the mountain peaks are not only visible, but near. And I can now look at that verse and see how it is true. How the joy has returned to my life.

It is this that makes me want to remember. When I look back and truly see the depth of despair that i have been rescued from, I am amazed and in awe of my Rescuer. And that moves me to worship- to declare His worth and his glory!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

One Day Without Shoes...

Once upon a time... I lived in North America. And I had very nice feet

then I moved to Africa. And had allergic reactions to Mosquito bites.

you can see that my feet were not so nice anymore. Sometimes they were so bad, I would limp.

then I got to move for 6 weeks to places that had less mosquitos, so my feet began to heal. see how beautiful they are?

if you want to read the whole story about my beautiful feet, you can read it here. (don't worry, there are no pictures for that one)

Today, I am going barefoot.
Because in developing nations many people, children especially, have no shoes.
I take shoes for granted very easily.
Without shoes you are "constantly aware of the ground in front of you, suffering regular cuts and scrapes, tending to infection after each walk, and enduring not only terrain, but heat and cold."

Even without shoes for me, life won't be so bad. I drive lots of places. I don't do a lot of walking. however: In some developing nations, children must walk for miles to school, to get clean water and to seek medical help.

Think about this:
Cuts and sores on feet can lead to serious infection.
Often, children cannot attend school barefoot.
In Ethiopia, approximately one million people are suffering from Podoconiosis, a debilitating and disfiguring disease caused by walking barefoot in volcanic soil.
Podoconiosis is 100% preventable with basic foot hygiene and wearing shoes.

if you want to learn more. go here.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Sometimes Happiness Looks Like This:

so, in case you were wondering how my trip went... here are some pictures!

Here are the lovely prairies. Now, meet some of the amazing folks I spent four glorious days hanging out with.....

This is Kelsey. She's fantastic. and she's my friend. she also helped save my life. She's got GIFTS. and the Holy Spirit is going to use them in a MIGHTY way!

with true friends, you can be yourself. completely.

where it all began...

YWAM friends are fantastic! See, we approve this message.

This is my incredible friend Julia. She oozes Jesus out of every pore. We got to pray hardcore for each other before we ever met. Now we go on coffee dates. Or have tea parties via Skype. This girl is FANTASTIC. So watch out. Amazing things are going to be happening all around her, as God does His work through this precious jewel!

Hooray! the moment we've all been waiting for. Oh wait, someone's arm isn't long enough....

yay for friends who are very very ok! You have to understand, that pretty much every time for 6 months (or actually as long as I've know him) there was a camera anywhere around, Tim makes a silly face. Except this time. I, however, was prepared for the silly face picture. ooops.

Finally! Together again with two of my favorite boys on the whole planet. Haha, do you see how the joy is practically eating my face?!
Now, I am just going to take a minute to brag on these two. I have lived with them day in and day out for 6 months straight. And it began when we were strangers. And I am still impressed with who they are. Now that's saying something ;) These guys LOVE Jesus. I've watched them wrestle (literally. hahaha) and grow (more than facial hair, though that is definitely impressive!). They've had deep wounds to overcome. They've been part of many of the happiest times of my life. And they've been there for the absolute worst.
Tim, on the left, is FULL of compassion. Overflowing. He's a servant. He's crazy good at soccer. And he's taught me so much about culture and what it means to be from the US. (even though he's not). He's taught me to relax and enjoy things I can't change. He's also an animal aficionado.

And then there's Ryan, on the right. He is FULL of faith. He's got it the whole "child-like faith" thing figured out. He loves wholeheartedly. Regardless of how much others disagree or give him grief. Ryan draws good doodles. He's got a hunger for the Word. He loves basketball. He can do handstands like nobody's business. He and his family have given me another great example of what it looks like to love Jesus and love each other. well. Also, he can juggle.

so. don't say I didn't warn you.
because these boys are going to change the world.

Friday, April 2, 2010


I am a thief.
I am a murderer,
walking up this lonely hill.
What have I done?
I don't remember.
no one knows just how I feel.
And I know that my time is coming soon...

it's been so long, oh such a long time
since I've lived with peace and rest.
Now I am here, my destination.
I guess things work for the best.
And I know that my time is coming soon...

Who is this man?
This man beside me.
They call the King of the Jews.
They don't believe that He's the Messiah.
But somehow I know that it's true.

The laugh at Him in mockery
and they beat Him till He bleeds.
They nail Him to the rugged cross
and they raise Him
yeah, they raise Him up next to me.

My time has come.
I am slowly fading
I deserve what I receive
Jesus, when you are are in your kingdom,
could you please, please remember me?
And he looks at me, still holding on
the tears fall from His eyes
and He says, "I tell the truth,
today you will be with me in paradise."
and I know that my time is coming soon.
And I know that my time is coming soon.
And I know paradise is coming soon.

----- "Thief" by Third Day from Offerings: A Worship Album-----
This song has captivated me since the very first time I've heard it. It is a beautiful retelling of the story of the criminals who hung beside Jesus that is found in Luke 23. How amazing is the grace of Jesus, that even as criminals, we can see the assurance that when we ask, paradise is ours today. Incredible. Oh, Jesus, thank you for making this a truly Good Friday!