
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

TFN Grad Speech

I spoke at my graduation from Teachers For The Nations (TFN). Here's what I said:

I came to TFN expecting to be trained to be a teacher. I figured I'd learn things like classroom management and curriculum development from a Christian perspective and we'd talk about the importance of education in transforming communities and that would be it. Ha ha ha. Little did I know I was coming to a school that would challenge me in every possible way and teach me how to think Biblically. I did learn about classroom management and curriculum development, but I learned so much more than that. I learned that education and all transformation all has to start with the individual. And consequently I became a much stronger individual. I learned to embrace so many of the things that make me distinctly KatiRose. For example: I love puns, banjo music, and recycling. But I was also challenged to examine the ideas and values I've held for so long and see if they were Biblical. And many things changed. Speaking of things that changed, at the beginning of TFN I didn't know how to cook and was terrified of Kindergartners. But as I was providentially assigned to assist in cooking dinner for 30 people every night, and "student-teaching" the 11 cutest, smartest, most amazing Reading Class students ever… all of that changed. Also, I have a much stronger appreciation and love for my country; my state; my city; and most importantly, my family. I have learned the importance of the covenant relationship of the church, and been challenged by a greater understanding of the intensity of the covenant of marriage, and the challenge and privilege of having children.

I learned that education is so much more than memorizing answers and spitting them back out on a page, it is more than moving information from the mind of the teacher to the mind of the student. Education involves the whole person. As we've heard said a million times this year, "the end of all learning is to know God and to love Him more." And the greatest thing is that we've seen this lived out. Our teachers haven't just been transferring their knowledge to our minds, they've captured our hearts. And now, as TFN graduates, we have this challenge. How will we use this treasure we've been entrusted with? Will we be found good and faithful servants? Or will we just burry it in the dirt? Will those Red Books be falling apart from use, or just look impressive, collecting dust on your bookshelf? No, we must invest this treasure and use it for the expansion of God's Kingdom. How you do that will be up to You and God (we're all individuals). However, in case you hadn't already heard, there is the additional requirement of getting married, having 10 children so we can take over the Legislative branch, and save America. So remember, it's all Bambi's fault, and "¡Matale si puedes!"