
Saturday, January 19, 2008

Don't Bug Me! (my quest for Anti-Malarials!)

So yesterday I made all sorts of preparations.

First I headed back to the doctor to get my anti-malaria pills. I had been in September to get all my immunizations (yellow fever, tetanus, meningitis, typhoid, hep a/b, and polio I think. ) They were a little busy the first time, (5 shots and 1 oral vaccine is a lot to think about!) and so they forgot to mention that the hep a/b was a series of 3 shots! Oops! So I got shot # 2 yesterday, and then I have to go back next Sunday (not tomorrow) for my last one! Then when I get back, I have to get a booster shot, because they gave me the accelerated sequence. After the nurse left, I turned to my dad and said, "Good thing I don't mind getting shots!!" So then, they gave me my prescription for the Anti-Malarials. Unfortunately, the one I will be taking, can cause increased sensitivity to sun. But it doesn't effect everyone. So, shortly after I arrive in Uganda, we'll find out if I am one of them! If so, my parents can send me a different medicine as soon as possible. The bottle of pills they gave me was HUGE. 250 to be exact! Oh, the adventures of going to Africa! (please understand, that this is not me complaining. I genuinely don't mind getting shots, and as far as the uncertainty of how I will react to the malaria meds, I am just trusting in my Heavenly Father, who I know will take care of me! I just wanted to share all of the adventures with you!!)

I also bought some bug spray. 100% DEET. Yum. Not. But, better than getting Malaria!

Then we primed my water bottle, with built-in filter, (thanks Dad!) so that I don't have to worry too much about what I am drinking!

I also got my "passport photos" for my Ugandan Student Visa. They wouldn't let me smile.. which was super hard. So I got away with a half smile.. my teeth aren't showing, which is apparently what really matters. I don't understand. What's the problem with smiling? I have lovely teeth, which were also very expensive. Ok, not the teeth, the jaw in which they sit. But the point is, shouldn't I be able to show them off? Oh well!

We were going through the check-out at Costco, and ended up in my friend Tyler's line. We started talking, and I found out that he is going to do his DTS in Germany (Hernhut) in April! Sweet Deal! It is so exciting to see so many people in my generation from Whatcom County going out and serving the Lord, and not settling for the bare-bones Christianity, but for nothing less than an all-out, hard core, passionate pursuit of Jesus! YEHAW!

So now, I am just sitting at home, watching the snow fall, and enjoying a quiet Saturday with my family. :D

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